How to use:

Add hoverCard.min.css to your page.

Then add jQuery.min.js and hoverCard.min.js.

<script src=""></script> <script src="/path/to/hoverCard.js"></script>

Add any class on the elements which needs to display hoverCards and then add data-dev-id attribute to the same tag which carries the id of the object whose detail needs to be shown in card.

<a class="hoverOn" data-dev-id="dev_1"></a>

Initialize the plugin:

                url: 'https://getUserData/', //passing general url to which id stored in 'data-dev-id' can be appended
                backgroundColor: '#ddd', // to change the color of the card,
                fadeIn: 400, // fade in time in milliseconds
                fadeOut: 200, // fade out time in milliseconds
                delay: 1300 // triggers the hoverCard if user hovers for more than delay specified

The data returned from the url should be in json and in the following format only.

              "name": "Joyce Ross",
              "role": "Web Developer, Zomato",
              "followers": "1k",
              "following": "890",
              "solved": "48",
              "about":"UI/Product Designer",
              "pic": ""

Note: If you want to change the format and card layout feel free to hack it.


Click here to see the demo.